
What is Otorhinolaryngology? It is very important for the organs and systems in the body to function correctly in order to have a healthy life and to keep our quality of life high. The smallest problem to be experienced in one of the organs of the body system, which is interconnected with each other, adversely affects the correct functioning of the other organs. Ear, nose and throat are among the cornerstones of these system elements. The "Otorhinolaryngology" department, popularly known as Ear Nose and Throat (ENT); It is a health field that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders in the head, neck, ear, nose and throat. In addition to basic diseases such as headache, chronic cold, sinusitis, sore throat, tinnitus, discharge, inflammation and snoring, mass detection in the head and neck region, thyroid and parathyroid diseases and tumors, salivary gland diseases and tumors, head and neck tumors (larynx, nasal passages) Oral, sinus and skull base tumors...) nose aesthetics and aesthetic procedures for the face, treatment of hearing loss and eardrum, and all kinds of procedures that require surgical intervention fall within the scope of the otolaryngology unit. In addition, special diseases such as tonsils and adenoids, which are usually seen in children and fall within the scope of the ear nose and throat unit, are also included in the treatment. People from all age groups can apply to the otolaryngology unit. A series of tests and analyzes are applied, together with a detailed examination and endoscopic evaluation, in order to diagnose the patient after listening to the patient's complaints by ENT specialists. As a result of the tests, the treatment method is determined according to the severity of the disease. The treatment is carried out directly by the specialists of the otolaryngology unit, as well as the opinions of experts in different fields according to the course of the disease. In addition to new patients, patients with chronic diseases in these areas also apply to the unit in order to continue their treatment in a healthy way. In particular, patients who need to be checked periodically, such as aesthetic intervention in the surgical field of the ENT, have to undergo specialist examination at regular intervals. Thus, it is ensured that the post-treatment rehabilitation process continues in a healthy way. The complaints of the person's ear, nose and throat are examined in detail by experts. Ear diseases, one of the treatment areas of ENT, are shaped depending on various complaints. These complaints are generally listed as middle ear infections, tinnitus, temporary or permanent hearing loss, facial paralysis, disturbances in the ear nerves and aesthetic disorders. Persons who apply by citing the above complaints are subjected to a comprehensive screening by specialist physicians. The treatment method is determined according to the findings obtained as a result of comprehensive screening. As these treatment methods are at the polyclinic level, surgical and aesthetic procedures that require more comprehensive intervention are also included in the scope of the otolaryngology unit. In addition, the application of the devices or prostheses needed for the treatment of hearing impairment is also performed by this unit. Nose-centered complaints are also included in the treatment scope of the otolaryngology unit. Complaints such as loss of smell, nasal congestion, rhinitis, bleeding and deformities are among the main diseases that the unit deals with. The diagnosis is determined as a result of examinations and tests performed by otolaryngologists. After this stage, unit specialists seek the opinions of other unit doctors when necessary in order to apply the right treatment. In addition, the first detection of benign or malignant tumors originating from the nose is made by otolaryngologists, who are experts in their field. After the first diagnosis is made, the patient is transferred to the oncology unit in order to be treated correctly. One of the main treatment areas of the otolaryngology unit draws attention as throat diseases. An otolaryngology unit should be consulted for snoring, sleep apnea, reflux, polyps and nodules in the vocal cords, jaw and throat pain, throat dryness, burning sensation and esophageal diseases. These complaints at the polyclinic level are resolved by otolaryngologists with diagnosis and correct treatment methods. In addition, aesthetic deformations and deteriorations are among the surgical treatment stages of the otolaryngology unit.
