The Cause of Weight Gain and Fatigue May Be Thyroid
What Are Thyroid Symptoms?
In structural diseases of the thyroid gland; according to the number and size of the nodules, symptoms visible;
- swelling in the neck
- Cough that does not pass due to pressure on the trachea or difficulty in breathing in advanced cases
- Difficulty swallowing due to pressure on the esophagus
- hoarseness
- Swelling in the lymph nodes in the neck
The following symptoms can be seen in overworked thyroid gland diseases;
- Palpitation
- excessive sweating
- intolerance to heat
- shaking hands
- weight loss
- thinning hair
- Eyes protruding forward
If the thyroid gland is underactive, the following symptoms can be seen;
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- chill
- Getting fat
- hair shedding
How Is Thyroid Diagnosed?
First of all, the blood TSH level is tested. An ultrasonographic examination is required. If suspicion is found in the ultrasonographic examination, it should be evaluated with needle biopsy. Another diagnosis The tool is thyroid scintigraphy. It gives information about the function of the thyroid gland and nodules, that is, their working status.
What is hypothyroidism?
hypothyroidismThe thyroid gland secretes less hormones than normal. Small-sized false nodules are often seen. Surgery is not recommended in these patients. However, patients with true nodules may require surgery.
What is Hyperthyroidism?
hyperthyroidism It is a condition in which the thyroid gland secretes more than normal hormones.
What is Thyroid Treatment?
Drugs that reduce thyroid hormone production, radioactive iodine treatment and surgical treatment can be applied. In patients with cold nodules in the thyroid gland and in patients with a very large thyroid gland, surgical removal of the thyroid gland, in patients without nodules in the thyroid gland and in patients with small thyroid gland, radioactive iodine treatment is applied. In patients with more than one hot nodule, surgical treatment should be considered primarily, since nodules are usually found in the remaining parts of the thyroid gland. If there is no other nodule in the thyroid gland, radioactive iodine treatment can be performed.
What is Nodular Goiter?
nodular goiteris the most common thyroid gland disease. Although thyroid nodules are detected in half of the population, not all patients need surgery. Surgery is recommended for patients in the presence of a nodule that is suspected of cancer in ultrasonography and needle biopsy, in case of pressure on structures such as the trachea and esophagus, for cosmetic reasons or in the presence of a nodule larger than 4 cm. Evaluation is of great importance in patients with a single thyroid nodule, where other parts of the thyroid gland are completely normal. Because the risk of cancer and hyperthyroidism in these nodules is higher than in other patients.