Anti-Aging Nutrition


Aging is the structural and functional change of all our cells in our organism with the effect of time. Among these changes, we can see some of them with the naked eye, such as changes in body posture, decreased elasticity of the skin, and formation of wrinkles. In addition, the gradual decrease in all physiological processes that we cannot see, wear and consequently the disruption of life functions is called aging.

What is Anti Aging?

With aging, telomeres, which are located at the ends of the chromosomes, do not carry any genetic information, and prevent the wear of the chromosomes during cell division, shorten in length. When telomeres become too short, cell division stops, meaning the cell dies. Any intervention to prevent this situation is called anti-aging. With proper and healthy nutrition, anti-aging moves that can prevent the shortening of telomere length are possible.

What are Anti Aging Applications and Purposes?

The first step in anti-aging is a health examination. If the person is healthy, we can apply anti-aging supplements on top of that. If there are inadequacies or mistakes made, they are determined and tried to be replaced.
One of the most important issues in anti-aggression is diet. In fact, if the goal is to always eat well, without waiting for advancing ages, natural anti-aging will also be achieved. Weight control is followed by active life and exercise. Factors such as a positive outlook on life, being happy, staying away from stress as much as possible and laughing support antiaging practices.

What Should Lifestyle Changes Be?

Aging cannot be prevented, but physical aging can be prevented. All signs of aging can be slowed down, and even a restructured diet can extend the quality of life.
The need for water varies depending on factors such as age, height, weight, physical activity, daily calorie intake, but at least 8 glasses of water should be drunk every day and the amount to be drunk should be distributed throughout the day due to the absorption capacity of our small intestines.
In this process, the benefit of regular exercise should not be forgotten and you should try to do at least 150 minutes of physical activity every week.

How Should Nutritional Habits Be?

It is important to always take all nutrients in adequate amounts and in a balanced way. In addition, a balanced diet rich in fiber can be targeted. The most important benefit of pulp is that it is both protective and contributing to the treatment. Low-fiber, high-fat and sugar diets; It carries a risk of cancer compared to diets containing high fiber. Likewise, it supports weight control in terms of slowly increasing blood sugar, which is important for obesity, which is one of the most important problems of our age, providing satiety for a long time and ensuring healthy functioning of the intestines. Another important benefit is to remove excess cholesterol from the body. pulp; especially whole wheat grains, cereal products made from them, vegetables and fruits (especially fruit peels) and legumes.
It has been reported that adequate intake of antioxidant vitamins also affects telomere length and delays the aging process. This is explained by the sensitivity of telomeres to oxidative stress. In addition, inflammation induces oxidative stress and can lower the level of the enzyme responsible for telomere health. Other antioxidants associated with aging are vitamins A, C, and E. In order to reach these vitamins, daily consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits (especially dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, arugula, chard), lentils, red peppers, tomatoes, apricots, sprouts, parsley, broccoli, plums, strawberries, kiwi, oranges, melons Care should be taken and a few oil seeds (almond, walnut, peanut) should be consumed.
The foods that are recommended not to be consumed are processed foods, foods containing simple sugar, foods containing chemical additives.

Are There Any Anti-Aging Foods?
  • No single food can show this effect on its own. However, in addition to a healthy diet, consumption of certain foods can be beneficial. Foods with high antioxidant content can be preferred.
  • Another nutrient that delays aging is omega-3 fatty acids. In order to reach omega-3 fatty acids naturally, fatty fish such as salmon and sea bass should be consumed regularly. Consuming foods rich in polyphenols also provides significant benefits. These are compounds naturally found in foods that have an antioxidant effect. In order to benefit from polyphenols, foods such as grapes, blueberries, garlic, and green tea can be preferred.
  • Sufficient levels of B vitamins, especially folic acid and vitamin B12 (in the blood), and a diet rich in these vitamins are also among the recommendations. They are vitamins that have important effects on telomere length, DNA methylation, blood production and nervous system. It has been determined that individuals with sufficient folate (active form of folic acid) and vitamin B12 levels have normal blood homocysteine levels and this affects telomere health. It should be noted that the only source of vitamin B12 is foods of animal origin (meat, milk, cheese, eggs). In order to reach folic acid, you can include legumes (such as lentils), dark green leafy vegetables, asparagus, broccoli, eggs, tomato juice in your daily diet.
  • It has been determined that turmeric both slows down the aging process and has a protective effect from cancer (especially melanoma).
  • Protection and improvement of intestinal health is also an important move in the context of delaying aging. Intestinal health is closely related to the immune system and anti-aging mechanism. In order to improve intestinal health, probiotic or synbiotic foods (such as probiotic yogurt, kefir) should be included in the daily diet, and a diet rich in pulp (including whole grain foods, legumes, and fruits that can be eaten with the peel) should be fed.

Does Collagen Use Have an Effect?

Dietary proteins are broken down into amino acids in the intestines and absorbed. Among these amino acids, glycine, pyrroline and hydroxypyrroline amino acids are used the most in the synthesis of collagen, and procollagen, the precursor of collagen, is synthesized. Collagen is then produced by a process in which elements such as zinc and magnesium are cofactors.
A balanced diet rich in protein and fresh fruits and vegetables is important for good collagen synthesis. Especially vitamin C is an important vitamin for collagen synthesis. We can provide collagen production up to a certain age, but with aging, collagen gradually decreases. For this reason, it can be taken as a supplement in accordance with the doctor's recommendation.
Recently, bone marrow juice is frequently recommended to increase collagen production. However, the body cannot directly use the collagen here for skin and bones. These proteins can also be broken down into amino acids and used in the body as needed. 

Is Vitamin Mineral Use Necessary?
  • Another nutrient that has been reported to have a positive effect on the aging process is magnesium. It is beneficial in terms of both protecting DNA integrity and controlling oxidative stress that can cause cell damage.
  • Another important vitamin that delays aging is coenzyme Q10. On the one hand, it protects from DNA damage, on the other hand, it is necessary for heart and muscle health. Coenzyme Q10 sources; low-fat red meat, peanuts, broccoli, cauliflower, salmon and herring.
  • Astaxanthin is a very powerful antioxidant. The most effective way to reach astaxantine is to take krill oil.

How to Feed to Strengthen the Immune System?

The immune system is complex. Therefore, there is no single way and solution to strengthen the immune system. Consuming foods with high vitamin and mineral value in excessive amounts does not strengthen the immune system. Instead, it is necessary to consume all beneficial foods in a balanced way and to create a balanced nutrition program. For example, taking insufficient protein while consuming foods high in vitamins reduces body resistance. For this reason, it is important to consume all these foods with a balanced nutrition program. At the same time, gaining healthy living habits, staying away from harmful habits such as alcohol and tobacco products and sedentary lifestyle are important factors to keep the immune system strong. In short, ways to strengthen immunity:

  • You should pay attention to the sleeping pattern.
  • You should stay away from a sedentary lifestyle and exercise regularly.
  • You should drink plenty of fluids.
  • You should stay away from excessive stress or seek expert help if necessary for stress management.
  • It is important to maintain or reach the ideal weight. You can get expert help for this.
  • Harmful habits such as alcohol and smoking should be avoided.
  • Attention should be paid to hand and oral hygiene.
  • Balanced diet rules should be followed. Each food should be consumed in required quantities and in a balanced way.

Citrus, Red and Green Peppers (Foods rich in Vitamin C)

  • Carrots, spinach, broccoli, red bell pepper (foods rich in vitamin A)
  • Red meat, Green leafy vegetables (Iron-rich foods)
  • Dairy products (Foods containing calcium and protein)
  • Blueberries (It is a powerful antioxidant)
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric (Especially beneficial with black pepper and olive oil.)
  • Green tea
  • Nuts with high nutritional value such as almonds, seeds, walnuts and hazelnuts
  • Seafood (foods high in Omega 3)
  • Legumes (Vegetable proteins)
  • Foods containing probiotics such as yogurt and kefir

Foods containing refined sugar

  • Trans fats (fries, fast food, instant cake, etc.),
  • Processed packaged foods (packaged snacks such as chocolate, chips),
  • Processed meats (salami, sausage, etc.)